The Palace or Prisons we Choose to Live in

Evermore presently we consider the prisons we and those around us choose to live in? Sometimes we grow up or are held emotionally captive in one or the other. This is where the wisdom of elders, ancestors and the ancients remind us to learn to “abase or abound” wherever we find ourselves. We remember as a child being told this…what and how could anyone possibly …really achieve the same peace, bliss and contentment in a palace or by a tree?

As the journey from child to young teen continued, the same voices of reason took every opportunity to reinforce and reiterate these teachings and the abundance ritual of counting our blessings!

Beginning and ending with the passage of the sun, moon and stars each day, we give  “Thanks and Praise”overflowing from our heart. In the face of all that Obaluaiye (Lord/Father of the Earth) teaches us during the season of Saturn (winter)…how to walk free of restrictons and limitations is a challenging exercise for the mind/ego/painbody. The more winters we are blessed to journey through….the more we learn and grow…discipline! Each of us knows, remembers or recognizes the prisons we may choose to live in. Toxic jobs, relationships, living environments? Sooner rather than later, wisdom or devastation pulls us toward the questions…of how did we get here…and which way is out?

The first step in avoiding the trap is to know that it exists. The feeling of being entrapped by anything or anyone…needs your permission to continue dragging you along? So when’s the last time you were held at gunpoint to make the decisions/choices that led you here? What happens next as you, fall, stumble or surrender to the pause, reset, rewind or restart button? Is the destiny you are walking, living, dreaming…on someone else’s remote control? If so, why?

In the cave of the winter bear, we hibernate to journey deep into our oversouls and /or shadows to reexamine the triggers within that cause us to sabotage on own reality? In the palace of all nine of our souls we are humbled at the investment of the ancestors, those that lived before us, painfully, joyfully…with fears and confidence…desiring to pass down something stronger in us. In the sacred sanctuary of the deepest place within…the God/Goddess source of our Divinity, the truth lives in bright light, passion and creativity. Many of us are strangers to this place having been distracted by a myriad of technological stimulus.

How important are the moments of visioning to the time spent texting? No judgment, simply a choice. Back in Camp Champion , summers of 92 and 93, we told the sons and daughters of crack addicted parents that it is our choices that lead us down the road of being Champs or Chumps. Those four good rules to live by still work Today…

Show up….for yourself and others

Pay Attention, to show up and NOT pay attention is a silly waste of greater moments in your life.

Tell the Truth, quite naturally, paying attention secures that you Know and recognize the truth (however, it may appear)

And if you are still attached to the “outcome”?…still work to do. My grandmother would say…

”live a little longer”.